Horace A. Lawrence

May 25, 1838 - May 22, 1889

wpeD.gif (6596 bytes)Horace A. Lawrence was a pioneer of York Township and a Civil War veteran.  Horace Lawrence was the son of Jesse and Almeda (nee Benedict) Lawrence, who also came to York Township circa 1873[i].  Horace Lawrence came to York Township from Plymouth Township, Sheboygan County with his first wife, Lorinda (nee Windsor)  Lawrence who died in 1875.  Lorinda Lawrence was a sister to Sophronia Lawrence (Horace’s aunt who was the widow of his Uncle Harvey Lawrence) and Esther Livingston (Samuel Livingston’s wife). Horace was a brother to Zelina Rowe (William Rowe’s wife), Sarah Lindsley (George Lindsley’s wife) and to Irvin Lawrence, all whom are buried in York Center Cemetery.  He was also a first cousin to Adonijah Benedict, another pioneer of York Township and Civil War veteran.  After the death of his first wife, Lorinda, he then married Edna Smithers.

[i] Republican and Press; May 25, 1889
