Meadow View School

Levis Township, Clark Co., WI

Submitted by Sharon Short.



They came from all over the U.S. to ‘remember’ Meadow View years

The Clark County Press  (Neillsville, WI June 8, 1978)


The ringing of the Meadow View’s school bell summoned over 160 former students, teachers and visitors to a reunion held at the Neillsville High School May 28.


“A friendship formed in childhood, in youth, becomes the genius that rules the rest of life” was the theme for the reunion. The thrill of seeing and visiting with many former scholars and teachers was evident as the reunion room became a beehive.


Charles Matousek opened the afternoon program by introducing the master of ceremonies, Steve Tichy, who continued the program with the introduction of the teachers present.  They included Mrs. Julius (Lulu Richmond) Rennack; Emma Boson, Marshfield; Esther Ferguson, Amery; and Percy Hallock, Rockland.  Each teacher received a corsage.


A clap of thunder broke into the memorial pause silence as the skies were either threatening or raining all day.  However, that did not dampen the spirit of the group as was noted by the height of music in the songs that were sung, “America”, “Long, Long Ago” and “Auld Lang Syne”, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Richard (Beverly Schoenherr) Nicolai.


Letters of regret were read from Charles Cernik, Eugene, Oregon; Mrs. Rita (Mosiman) Swift, Madrid, Spain; Mrs. Douglas (Opal Woodford) Hantke, St. Paul, Minnesota; Mrs. Lloyd (Ethyl Walker) VandeBerg, Chenay, Washington; Mrs. Marjory (Morgan) Palmer, Thorp; Mrs. George (Evelyn Richmond) Hugins, Almosa, Colorado; Mrs. Jerry (Dora Richmond) Angle, Phoenix, Arizona; Robert Eldon Johnson, Marshfield; Thomas Sears, California and on the move to Texas; and Gladys (Sebesta) Zapp, Illinois.


Jeffrey Nicolai 8, and Jeannine Nicolai, 5, children of Mr. And Mrs. Richard Nicolai and grandchildren of Mr. And Mrs. Herbert Schoenherr, Sr., presented a skit, “Billy Boy”.


Mrs. Arnold (Elsie Pfefferkorn) Halle was the guest speaker.  A former superintendent of Clark county Schools, Mrs. Halle reviewed the role of persons in her profession in the era of rural school elementary education.  Education of youth had to be stressed and some schools of the county had to be held in line in order for the fundamentals to be taught she said.


She recalled one school whose teacher knew not where the children were.  They had not arrived at school; so the teacher whiled away the hours of the day by herself instead of trying to find out the reason for this unusual circumstance.


Upon another occasion, when the supervisory teacher arrived at a school, it was found that the teacher and pupils had abandoned it for a “field trip” of fishing.  When the school board members were approached on the subject, they thought it was a fine idea because the children had caught a mess of fish for the supper table, Mrs. Halle recalled.


Education is only as good as applied and consummated, she said.  It is there for a purpose and should be used as such.  There is a time and a place for everything and for everything in its season. Meadow View was one of the better schools of the county, where parents and students took the role of education seriously, she remembered.


The two oldest living scholars honored at the occasion were Fred Subke, St., 86, and Charles Shramek, Jr., 84. Both were presented gifts.


Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Harry (Helen Krumpeck) Shawhan, San Luis Obispo, California, and Marie (Krumpeck) Gibbons of Cave Junction, Oregon, for coming the longest distance. The prize for the most grandchildren, a count of 19, was won by Mary Genteman, Rt. 3, Neillsville.  Mrs. Clarence (Irene Pettera) Check won the prize for promptness in answering the reunion call.  Thomas Ignace, Melrose Park, Illinois, and Charles Tichy, Jr., Mount Holly, New Jersey, won fish stringers for being the last to send in their reservations.  Door prizes were won by Mrs. Harry (Lorraine Wagner) Volz; Edward Schoenherr; Mrs. Fred (Ella Weeks) Subke; Mrs. Julius (LuluRichmond) Rennack; Mrs. Wilhelm Meyer and Mrs. Roman Pscheidt, Sr.


A pot luck picnic for dinner and supper was enjoyed, consisting of ham sandwiches, potato salads, a variety of vegetable salads, hot dishes, Jellos, Bohemian kolaches, apple slices and cakes.  A large cake, decorated in a replica of the booklet cover of the school’s history, was donated by Mr. And Mrs. Steve Tichy.  Lemonade and coffee were the traditional beverages for the occasion.


Those from away attending were Mrs. Clarence (Irene Pettera) Check, Eastman; Dora (Pettera) Straka, Boscobel; Matt Pettera, Wauzeka; Mr. and Mrs. John Genteman and Lisa, and Emma Boson, all of Marshfield; Mr. And Mrs. Richard Schoenherr and sons, Rockford, Illionois; Mrs. B. Neubecker and Wayne, Rolling Meadows, Illinois; Elsie (Genteman) Neubecker; Mr. And Mrs. Gordon (Kathleen Neubecker) Ritter and family, Kenosha; Hermine Shramek and Mr. And Mrs. Ladd Shramek, Benton Harbor, Michigan; Mrs. Jessie (Piech) Clark, Mrs. Sylvia (Piech) Zocher, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Piech, John Kurasz and Joe Ignatz, all of Chicago; and Charles Tichy, Jr., Mount Holly, New Jersey.


Joining them were Mr. and Mrs. Harry (Lorraine Wagner) Volz, Wisconsin Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tichy, Valparaiso, Indiana; Mr. and Mrs. Andy (Helen Tichy) Dasko, Berwyn, Illinois; Mrs. Helen (Krumpeck) Shawhan, San Louis Obispo, California; Mrs. Marie (Krumpeck) Gibbons, Cave Junction, Oregon; Mrs. Lillian (Shramek) Krumpeck, Paris, Illinois; Mrs. Violet (Wagner) Edwards, Alma Center; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Matousek, Lewisville, Texas; Esther Ferguson and Cleone (Ferguson) Maton, both of Amery; and Mr. and Mrs. Verlyn Wagner, Springfield, Oregon.


Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Billings, East Point, Georgia; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tichy, Sr., LaCrosse; Mr. and Mrs. William Shramek, Bensenville, Illinois; David Meyer, Lester, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schmidt, Mrs. Herbert (DorisMadsen) Kallas and John Madsen, all of Eau Claire; Roman and John Stankiewicz, both of Milwaukee; Thomas Ignace, Melrose Park, Illinois; and Mrs. Janet (Mazola) Corell, Onalaska.


Completing the list were Mr. and Mrs. Ron (Joyce Mazola) Paepcke, Valerie Gall, Mrs. LeRoy (Anna Madsen) Hagen and Mrs. Carrie Madsen, all of Osseo; Mr. and Mrs. Roman Pscheidt, Sr., Manhattan, Montana; Roman Pscheidt, Jr., Milwaukee; Mrs. George (Mabel Bush) St. John, Mrs. Ann (Matousek) Karlovsky and Maryann and Rosalie, all of Riverside, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. George (Rose Matousek) Kotty, Ciecero, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. Adriean Madsen, Mauston; Mr. and Mrs. Terry Holub and twin daughters; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stangfield, Nekoosa; George Sebesta, Broadview, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. John Sebesta, Bolingbrook, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Shramek, Des Plaines, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. Roy (Delores Meier) Sitzman, Beaver Dam; Mrs. Martin (Dorothy Subke) Kalina, Merrillan; George Holub, Greenwood; Cary Kaczor, Schaumburg, Illinois; Diane Davis, Berlin; and Frank Matousek.


The editor of the school’s book of history, Mrs. Herbert (Eleanor Genteman) Schoenherr summed it up, “Ah me, those joyous days are gone. I little dreamt till they had flown, how fleeting were the hours.”


Meadow View School will become a museum in the very near future, housing much of its own furniture, books and records. The owners are hoping to receive items of record, etc., from the other five schools of the township if co-operation and donations are available.


Class Photos


1896-Log School

1923, Class Photo; Gym Class

1950, School Photo

1952-53, Class Photo

1953-54, Class Photo

1954-55, Class Photo

1956-57, Class Photo

1957-58, Class Photo


Reunion Photos


Some of the earliest graduates of Meadow View from 1900 to 1920 included (front row, L to R) Fred Subke, Sr., Charles Shramek, Jr., Bill Shramek, Lillian Shramek Krampeck and Jerry Shramek; (second row, L to R) Mary Matousek Hardy, Andrew Kuraz, Rose Matousek Kotty, Irene Pettera Check, Anna Matousek Karlovsky and Elsie Genteman Neubecker; and (back row L to R) Jim Matousek, John Stankiewicz, Georg Holub, Louie Matousek, Roman Pscheidt, Sr., Ervin Holub and Dora Pettera Strake.



Going back to the 1920 to 1930 years at Meadow View were (front row, L to R) Louis Tichy, Marie Krumpeck Gibbons, Anna Tichy Sladek and Steven Tichy; (second row L to R) Joe Ignatz, Ladd Shramek, George Sebesta, Lillian Kaddatz Meier, Frieda Rath Schwamb, Charles Tichy, Sr., and Helen Krumpeck Shawhan; and (back row L to R) Tony Adamec, Bill Meier, Matt Pettera, Jessie Piech Clark and Charles Matousek.



In school at Meadow View from 1930 to 1940 were (front row L to R) Emily Tichy Billings, Lillian Holub McCarty, Eleanor Genteman Schoenherr and Helen Tichy Dasko; and (second row L to R) Sylvia Piech Zoecher, Delores Meier Sitzman, Libby Honzik Matousek, Louie Schmidt, Roman Pscheidt Jr., Ben Piech, Ladd Matousek, Ed Holub, Roman Stankiewicz and Tom Ignatz.


Meadow View students from the years 1940 to 1950 were (front row L to R) Doris Madsen Kallas, Violet Wagner Edwards, Carlyn Dodmead Szaflarski, Macel Bush St. John; (second row L to R) Darla Bush Naedler, Marian Adamec Genteman, Lorraine Wagner Volz, Verlyn Wagner, John Madsen and Charles Tichy, Jr.; and (back row L to R) Ed Genteman, George Szaflarski, Bob Genteman and Herb Schoenherr, Jr.


In Meadow View from 1950 to 1961 (front row L to R) Kathleen Neubecker Ritter, Patricia Pettis Stangfeld, Beverly Schoenherr Nicolai and Louise Davis Stangfeld; (second row L to R) Daniel Kaczor, Cary Kaczor, Dianne Davis and Richard Schoenherr; and (back row L to R) Mike Hart, David Meyer and Ed Schoenherr. 


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