1951 Graduation Set for Clark 8th Graders


Contributed by Ken Wood.


Neillsville---Commencement exercises for eighth grade graduates in Clark County schools will be held at the Armory in Neillsville Friday, May 25 at 10 a.m. and at the Withee High School Saturday, May 26, at 10 a.m.

            The following students have successfully completed their eight years of work and will be awarded diplomas which entitle them to enter high school next fall.

            The top ranking 23 students who will receive special honor diplomas, have their names preceded by an asterisk.

Town of Beaver

Maple Center School—Mrs. Fern Beyer—John Clow and * Jeanne Kobiske

LaTart School—Mrs. Belle Kilgrain---Madell Ann Jolivette, Maxine Idne Kelty, Leor Roland Stienke, and Henry Hendrickson

Sunnyside School---Mrs. Verna Nolan---Donna Lou Darton, George Stumpner, John R. Mrotek, Janet Fischer, and Dale A. Wolfe.


Town of Butler

Butlerville School----Mrs. Marjory Follingstad---Alma Kile, Larry Morrison, and Barbara Remeke

Eastside School---Harry Meske---Marion Berzinski


Town of Colby

Sand Hill School---Mrs. Celia Wiedenhoeft---Norma Jean Fristad, Charles Alfred Uhlig, and De Lyle Ardene Singstock

Cloverdale School---Mrs. Arlene Weisenberger---Dale DuVal, Lavern Knoll, and Ronald Schoelzel

Clovernook School---Mrs. Marie Kramer---Donald Buchanan, Frederick Krueger, Betty Lou Pals, Shirley Rasmussen, and Ronald Weix


Town of Eaton

West Eaton School---Mrs. Elvera Fravert---*Mary Ann Parkell, Joanne Miller, Delmar Thwing, and Roger Liebzeit


Town of Fremont

Forestside School---Mrs. Florence Foemmel---Della Mae Adney

Pine Circle School---Miss Helen Sparks---Agnes Ziegler, Rosalie Whipple, Tom Gallagher, and Roger Winch

Grant School---Mrs. Rose Dallman---Terry Ann Hildebrandt and James L. R. Tysver

Chili School---Miss Virginia Stichert---Beverly Spry

Cozy Corner School---Mrs. Jane Bartsch---Kenneth Alvin Jennings

Valley View School---Mrs. Ruth Klahn---Mary Ellen Mueller


Town of Grant

Reed School---Mrs. Mildred Zank---Evelyn Drescher, Robert Marty, William Marty, and Linda Mae Suckow

Roder School---Mrs. Hazel Braun---Erland Marg, Robert Holt, Vernon Garbisch, and Kay Kilgrain

Wild Rose School---Mrs. Eileen Krutsch---Peasrl Haskins


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Kurth School---Mrs. Emma Lindquist---Elaine Laura Drescher, Donna Lee Kissling, and Nancy Lou Kuehn


Town of Green Grove

North Bright School---Mrs. Ella Zielinski---Nancy Ann Schley and Carla Jean Anderson

South Bright School---Mrs. Marjorie Rooklidge---Mary Anderson, *George Himes, and James Hahto

Woodland School---Miss Harriet Gosse---Kenneth R.  Larson


Town of Hewett

Hewettville School---Mrs. Lillian Meyer---Nancy Clodffelter


Town of Hixon

Frenchtown School---Mrs. Charlotte Devine---Jerome LePage, Benjamin Mueller, Doris Rasmusen, and Sidney Sorenson

White School—Mrs. Beatrice Hansen---*Margaret Karow, Agnes Mercier, and Jean Jensen

Hixon Heights School—Mrs. Violet Engel---Lennard Sluzewski and Corrine Simon

Oak Vale School---Mrs. Marion Smith---John Backe, Evelyn Vetterkind, and Richard Quelle


Town of Hoard

Park School---Mrs. Milla Lott---Laverna Theime and Richard Dunow

Midway School---Mrs. Arletta Goldamer---Arthur Delis and Dorothy Hiebsch

Elmhurst School---Mrs. Emma Parkinson---Marvin Pitts

Howard Center School---Mrs. Clara Steinman---Lorraine May Anger


Town of Levis

Meadow View School---Mrs. Genevieve West---Lucille Hardy

Riverside School---Mrs. Sylvia Kurth---Jennie Lee Opelt, and Wayne Bryan

Dells Dam School---Mrs. Myra N. Kuehling---Laura Ziesak, Charles Ziesak, and Roger Fintoski


Town of Longwood

Poppe School---Mrs. Rose Timmler---Ronald Amacher and Clarence Olson

Spring Valley School---Mrs. Jessie Johnson---Leslie Himes and Natalie Scherf


Town of Loyal

Sunny Knoll School---Mrs. Mabel Caliebe---Norman Olson and Gerald Hinkelman


Town of Lynn

Sunbeam School---Miss Vivian Gerber---Russell Gardner Jr., and Robert Riedel

Maple Grove School---Miss Jeannine Storm---Daniel Bolander, Jean Graumann, and Annabelle Keuer

Mayflower School---Mrs. Belle Mazola---James Dahlke and Wallace Reidel

Poplar Grove School---Mrs. Pearl Green---Donald Rose, Roland Helm, and Inez Cattanach


Town of Mayville

Hilltop School---Mrs. Teresa Grewe---Peter Lapp and Marilyn Jensen

Brady School---Mrs. Velma Nibbe---Arthur Hull, Shirley Hawks, and Donovan Ward


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Town of Mead

Rocky Run School---Mrs. Leona Albert---Marsha Monegar


Town of Pine Valley

Silver Crest School---Mrs. Irma Sollberger---Beatrice Mohr, Yvonne Reams and Ann Votava

Hillside School---Mrs. Marie Clintsman---Walter Schmidt, Lorraine V. Meihak, and Barbara M. Miller

Pine Valley Mound---Mrs. Ella Hoffman---Norrine Mae Durham and *Monica Sydorowicz


Town of Reseburg

Colby School---Mrs. Selma Schwartz---Eugene Petruzates, Chester Przybylski, and Jean Vetterkind

Goff School---Mrs. Margaret Klewicki---Patricia Ann Kuester, Harold Guyette and John Hickman

Oakland School---Miss AliceVetterkind---Bernard Ciszewski


Town of Seif

Blackberry School---Mrs. Gertrude Larson---DeWayne Dux

Worchel School---Mrs. Emmilie Albrecht---Angeline Pekol

Wildwood School---Mrs. Laura Hatton---Leo Weisner


Town of Sherman

Cole School---Miss Iris Steffen---Janice Bymers and Stanley J. Adler

Veefkind School---Mrs. Ruth Lewis---Carole Nelson and Dale Krasselt

Spokeville School---Harland Reigel---Duane Barker, John Bredlau, James Haslow, Jeanette Stirmel, and Marie Schmidt

Catlin School---Mrs. Alaire Hallowell---Earl Cammers and James Weyhmiller

Taft School---Miss Florence Garbush---Georgianna Boehning

Holmes School---Miss Romilda Marchner---Eugene Knajdek


Town of Sherwood

Audubon School---Mrs. Marie Reshel---Wayne Schafer


Town of Thorp

Bi-Centennial School---Mrs. Maud Kulwiec---*Alice Sciezor

Peterson School---Miss Bonita Brandt---*Edward John Bieno and James Wisz

Field School---Miss Florence Olijniczak---Barbara J. Gubell and Ronald J. Ciclkosz

White Eagle School---Mrs. Emma Emerson---Violet Witkus

Yaeger School---Mrs. Sarah Dittner---Pauline M. Kramicz and Roger Deutschlander


Town of Unity

Maplewood School---Miss Betty Jean Kraut---Joan Mae Meacham, Virginia Cook, and Romelle Johnson

Willow Brook School---Miss Ione Pickett---Linda Lou Johnson

Groveside School---Mrs. Hazel Rohloff---Jean W. De Santo, Joanne M. Scheer, Paul Albert Guillaume, and Robert A. Mondloch


Town of Warner

Hemlock School---Mrs. Ruby Syth---Beverly Berrett


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Christopherson School---Mrs. Katherine Ivey---Marganne Kolbo and Cora Mae Turnquist

Decker School---Mrs. Dorothy Irvine---Jacqualine Irvine

Benjamin School---Mrs. Laverne Horn Vollrath---Verlan Noah, Roy Rasmussen, Orville Schwarze and Robert Timmler

Braun Settlement School---Miss Evangeline Sheets---Delores Bolf and Myrna Meinholdt


Town of Washburn


Shortville School---Lovella Herian---Gerald Hanson, Joan Matuszak, Jerome Schraeder, Arnold Trachte, and *Sylvia Ann West

Cannonville Sschool---Mrs. Alyce Qualley---Betty Hohenstein, Kenneth Krause, and Leland Krause

Carlyle School---Mrs. Marion Feirn---Karl Grimm and Sylvia Jahr


Town of Weston

Christie School---Mrs. Nina Potts---Alan Harder, Fredrick Hediger, Jerrold Dankemeyer, and Gary Mills

Uncle Sam School---Mrs. Elaine Walters---Dale Kurasz, Raymond Strangfeld, Dale Turville, And Harland Timerson

Globe School---Miss Frances Lavrence---Melvin Hoffman

Mound School---Mrs. Margaret Korth---Jerry Anderegg, John Linster, Robert Gutenberger, and James Hughes

Fairview School---Mrs. Willetta Heidemann---Duane R. Bertrang, Richard N. Bertrang, Ronald J. Henning, Patricia Lewis, * Dawn Nielsen, Patricia Stigen, and Clair E. Wendt


Town of Withee

Sunny Lawn School---Mrs. Mayme Milligan---Leon Kotecki and Dean Liszuk

Blueberry School---Mrs. Veronica Glasshof---Estelle Wargolet

Pozen School---Mrs. Irma Deutschlander---Sandra Short and Theresa Waltertaitus


Town of Worden

Busy Bee School---Mrs. Joyce Samuelson---Marjorie Krueger, Joanne Micke, Ronald Schultze, and Mona Tieman

Garfield School---Mrs. Theodora Erickson---Larry Ray Thompson and Ronald R. Witt

Pioneer School---Mrs. Della Overman---Marjorie Kodl and Phillip Soper

Breezy Hill School---Miss Agnes Meske---La Vern Gibbs

South Worden---Roy Mitchell---Shirley Gadke


Town of York

Lincoln School---Mrs. Mae McGonigal---Georgia Benedict

Oriole Hill School---Mrs. Bettie Kuhl---Melvin Thur and Melvin Wolf

Romadka School---Mrs. Bertha Holt---* Frederick Elmhorst, Dianne Bauman, Diane Martens, Luanne Schmidtke, and Mildred Sladek

Forman School---Mrs. Doris Armitage---James Buettner, Alvin Luebke, John Nozar, Jeneda Armitage, Robert Tichy and Joyce Vandeberg

Happy Hollow School---Mrs. Esther Ziegler---Loretta Kotchy

Pleasant View School---Mrs. Alvina Korth---Marlene Anderegg and Marlene A. Spangler


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Town of Eaton

Eaton Center---Mrs. Mary Yanka, principal---Gloria Updyke, Donna Mae Schendel, Gerald Jakobi and Herbert Fabian


Town of Hendren

Willard---Mrs. Nathale Frese, principal---Edward Slemec, *Beverly Bayuk, Gwendolyn Urbanz, Adeline Lesar, *Raymond Jordan, Rudolph L. Jordan, Rosalie Celeste Zallar, and Sylvester A. Champs


Town of Hoard

Curtiss---Miss Marjorie Mildbrand, principal---Alfred Dale Thompson, Warren Alfred German, Delbert Lee Uhlig, Virgil Carleton Lueth, Kaathleen Ruth Smiley, Clayton Duane Peissig, and Dale Lester Bowen


Town of Longwood

Longwood---Miss Loraine Milewski, principal---Edwin Behrens, Charles Christman and Gerald Zawadzki


Town of Mayville

Pleasant Hill---Mrs. Celine Zirngibl, principal---Mar Ann Bush, Ethel Huss, Mildred E. Leichtman, and Fern V. Weidemann


Town of Thorp

Eidsvold---Mrs. Wilma Melman, principal---Stephen Slowiak, Gertrude Tomkowiak, Duane Van Ertl, and Donald White


Town of Unity

Soo Grove---Raymond Oestreich, principal---Richard Shefchik, Jerry Lyon, Jerome Kasper, and Norman Delo


Town of Withee

Pineland---Alois L. Ciolkosz, principal---Joseph Boyles, Edward Hero, and Justin Jakowicz


Villages and Cities

Abbotsford---Mrs. Louise Warns---John Armstrong, Benjamin F. Beil, Sandra Lee Danielson, Beverly Ann Dohm, Shirley Farning, Doris Geiger, Donna Mae Gosse, Suzanne Hartzell, Mona Kay Hinke, Gerald Robert Kalepp, Corrine Edna Knight, June Evelyn Lange, R. Neal Melvin, Carol Joe Moberg, Wanda Noreene Scheel, Robert L. Scheibe, Mary Shields, Dwight Floyd Treankler, Christ H. Waldhart, Joanne Vangel Weideman, Norma Jean Wilson, Angela Margaret Zink, and Beverly Ann Brodhagen


Colby Graded School---Clayton Wright, principal---*Adell Brehm, Marlene Buddinger, Paul Dins, Patsy Fischer, Bill Frome, Kenneth Hansen, Glen Herrmann, Stuart Hunt, Richard Kops, Janet Laube, Emilie Loos, Dale Schmidt, *Ila Schneider, Nile Thede, Richard Wiersig, *Dennis Witte, Joanne Wolk, Patricia Becherer


Dorchester---Mrs. Joyce Hanson---Carl L. Hansen, *David Buchrens, Alice Mae Pierce, Karen D. Marcott, and Marjorie H. Violand


Granton---Dennis A. Elliott---Roger Bruce Lemonds, Sharon M. Klancher, Joan Leona Peroni, Ira E. Miller Jr., Bobby Lee Larson, Robert G. Scott, Marion Irene Jahr, Daniel Duane Kearney Garbish, Yvonne Marcelyn Lemonds, and Eugene Clark Coyle


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Greenwood---Mrs. Irene Rodgers---June Lynette Bredesen, Kay Alice Christie, Tom Joy Dunn, Marlene M. Metxke, Barbara June McMahon, Robert H. Schneider, Dorothy Mae Severson, Lloyd Philip Stewart, Tom D. Steele, Kenneth Harlan Syth, Carol Ann Stout, and Roberta Weiher


Loyal---Mrs. Esther Olsen---Darwin A. Brasier, Erwin W. Gempeler, Lynn C. Lawrenze, Betty P. Nysted, Jean H. Newman, and Donna May Wetlinger


Owen---Beryl Rowe---Lorna Dutzle, William L. Johnson, Shirley Czeshinski, Janice Creg, Janice Weddig, Alma Hautamaki, Jerry Orth, Virginia  Parker, Norman Mathewson, Roger Haas, Jo Ann Kalabsky, *Mavis Bushnell, Carolyn Wagner, Rosemary Larsen,  *Valery Ann Fritz, Arden Fritz, John Southworth, Ardyce Flatzer,(? unreadable)  and Gerald C. Knaack


Thorp---Mrs. Edna Millegen---Gertrude Barth, Csarol Reinke, Gordon Hanson, Joan Carpenter, Louis Carpenter, Gordon Czyzeweiz, Richard Alger, Donelda Karnopp, and Nancy Lindquist


Withee---Waltter Needham---Mildred Auberg, Mary Luella Auberg, Arthur Brodbeck, Bonnie Dickinson, Eugene Hansen, Joanna Johnson, Justine Kaplia, Jeanette Rosen quist, Larry Miller, Nona Mertens, Marlyn Ploman, Janet Poppe, *David Segerstrom, *Catherine Steinwand.

Parochial Schools


Zion Lutheran School, Colby---Paul Galik---E;izabeth Marie Fischer, Kenneth Otto Koeppen, Frederick George Schmelzer, and Roger William Schmeizer


Zion Lutheran School, Granton---Thomas Spechardt---Roger Helm, Donald Sternitzky, Bonnie Garbisch, Donna Mae Schlinsog, and Fred Bartsch


Indian Mission School, Neillsville---Miss Cilla Kippenhan---Evelyn Lucille Cleveland, Wilbur Cloud, Wilfred Cloud, Carol Frogg, Henry Miller, Barbara Shegonee, and Charlotte Mae Walker


St. John’s Lutheran School, Neillsville---Victor Lehmann, principal---Dorothy Ackermann, Marvin Aumann, Herbert Blum, William Cook, Merlin Gerber, Janice Grottke, Jean Grottke, Ramon Hagedorn, John Hermann, *Rachel Kalsow, Shirley Keller, William Meier, * Harold Schewe, Jerold Townsend, and Raymond Wetzel


St. Peter’s Lutheran School, Dorchester---Carl Gruendler---Lloyd Kalepp and Myron R. Tauchen


Source: Marshfield News Herald Thursday May 22, 1951 Page 6