Announce Complete List of Teachers and Schools

Clark County, Wisconsin (1929-30)

Transcribed by Stan Schwarze.



Neillsville, Clark County, Wis. – With the 1929-30 school term in the schools of Clark County now under way, Mrs. Margaret Walters, the Clark County Superintendent, releases the following information which should be of interest to all Clark County people.  The Clark County superintendent has Miss Ada E. Smith and Miss Marjory Hawley for her two supervising teachers again this term.  Most of the schools of the county are now open, there being but a very few exceptions.  The following is a complete roster by townships of the rural state graded schools of Clark County:


Beaver – Minnie Schueler, Center School; Edith Castner, Maple Center; Dale O. Driscoll, Oak Grove; Karl Pokrandt, Irvine; Estella Vandehey, Sunnyside; Alma S. Ziegler, LaTart.


Butler – Anne Miller, Butlerville; Mary McKenzie, Fernwald; Edwin Timmler, Eastside.


Colby – Verna Luther, Plainview; Frank Koniecny, Dill Creek; Mary Madsen, Sand Hill; Esther Schultz, Cloverdale; Kathryn Lowe, Clovernook; Fae Cook, Little Grove.


Dewhurst – Caroline Sonheim, Bruce Mound.


Eaton – Margaret Niman, Principal, Easton Center State Graded; Evelyn Kurtzheim, primary, Easton Center State Graded; Minerva Davis, Janesville Settlement; Josephine Jordan, West Easton; Albertine Syth, Prosperity.


Foster – Hedwig Trachsel, Lone Pine; Ruth Sischo, Church


Fremont – Gladys Cone, Heathville; Lela Downer, Forestside; Mrs. Elva Smith, Pine Circle; Gretchen Ferguson, Big Four; Edna Kurth, Franklin; Innis Snyder, Grant; Mrs. I. Higgins, Chili; Mayme Gardner, Cosy Corner; Leilah M. Dopp, Valley View.


Grant – Mrs. LeVAun Dall Nason, Reed; Norma Schmoll, Roder; Eleanor Kissling, Washington; Cleo Rowe, Wild Rose; Irma Bartz, Kurth; Lettie Vine, Cunningham.


Green Grove – Ruth Johnson, North Bright; Leona Verkuilen, South Bright; Larry Kline, Atwood; Pearl Drake, Woodland; Edna Baake, Elmwood; Mrs. Jesse Winebrenner, Bee Hive.


Hendren – Rose Humke, North Willard; Mrs. Francis Meinholdt, Francis Chase; principal, McKinley; Verna Kosmosky, primary, Alice Miller, intermediate, Willard State Graded.


Hewett – Frances (Barr) Marg, Hewettville; Arthur Zank, Sunny Nook.


Hixon – Olive Warden, principal, Stella Jane Warden, primary, Frenchtown State Graded; Harvey Dietzman, White; Thresa Warden, Willow Dain; Mrs. T. Boardman, Oak Vale; Burton Dietzman, new school, near Withee unnamed.  School opens next month.


Hoard – Ethel Marie Schultz, Park; Mary B. Smiley; Midway; Gilbert Copeland, Elmhurst; Lawrence Kline, Hoard Center; Alma P. Thompson, principal, Marian Lupient, primary, Curtiss State Graded.


Levis – Leda Filitz, Riverside; Marjory Morgan, Meadow View; Margaret Laurent, Rock Creek; Lillian Ehlers, Carlyle; Orvilla Selves, Dells Dam.


Longwood –  Mrs. Mathilda Haas, principal, Mrs. Vilet Farwell, primary, Longwood State Graded; Saima E. Peterson, Moody; Martha Stark, Poppe; Mary Siggelkow, Spring Valley.


Loyal – Eva Ormond, Lyons; Mrs. Sadie Edwards, Dodgeville; Iva Nelson, Mack; Edith Krokson, Sunny Knoll; Geneva Nichols, Seidelman.


Lynn – Ella Sanger, Sunbeam; Mae Ott, Maple Grove; Rosa Schoenherr, Mayflower; Gertrude Bartz, Poplar Grove; Mabel Harshner, Golden Rod.


Mayville – Erma Holz, Cleveland; Henry Sidmore, Hilltop; Gertrude Lemerande, principal, Mable Larson, primary, Pleasant Hill Sate Graded; Helen Verhultz, Brady.


Mead – Nelda Hoehne, Kippenhan; Mrs. Bertha Buker, Maple Ridge; Lillian Decker, Rocky Run; Emilie Kokaly, North Mound.


Pine Valley – Gertrude Seif, Hiawatha; Amoe Boe, Grand View; Blane Bissel, Silver Crest; Margaret Ruddock, Hillside; Alice Alden, Pine Valley Mound.


Reseburg – Florence Plecity, Colby; Mary Potter, principal, Ragnhild Emberson, intermediate, Inez Rossman, primary, Reseburg State Graded; Lillian Svetlik, principal, Evelyn Boardman, primary, Goff State Graded; Bertha Metcalf, Oakland.


Seif – Alice Braun Grittner, Wildwood; Leona Decker, Blackberry; Irma Ackerman, Worchel.


Sherman – Edna McConnell, Cole; Pearl Clouse, Giffith; Irma Woelffer, Veefkind; Hulda Snyder, Spokeville, Alta Seefeldt, Catlin; Ida Krause, Taft; Pearl Burnett, Holmes.


Sherwood – Gladys Selves, Audubon; Hazel Chapel, Dewhurst; Helen Sparks, Birdland Echo.


Thorp – Mathilda Vanderloop, principal, Caroline Lee, primary, Eidsvold State Graded; Margaret Melvin, Roger Creek; Selma Haugen Peterson, principal; Joseph Kulewiec, Field; Anna Slaboda, principal, Louise Herman, primary, White Eagle State Graded.


Unity – Bessie Stabnow, Pleasant Ridge; Elizabeth Hebert, Maplewood; Myrtle Holmes, Groveside; Gerald Scott, Willow Brook; Ivy Meyer, Sunshine; Anita Meyer, principal, Rachel Halverson, primary, Soo Grove State Graded.


Warner – Walter Needham, Hemlock; Hazel Achison, Decker; Bertha A. Putzel, Benjamin; Evangeline Sheets, Christopherson; Evelyn Swan, Braun Settlement.


Washburn – Esther Ferguson, Shortville; Marie Walk; Cannonville; Marian Wahl, South Washburn; Ermentrude Oberholtzer, Sleepy Hollow; Laura Lautenbach, Irving.


Weston – Albertine Barton, Christie; Mabel Stommen, Uncle Sam; Mrs. T. V. Carleton, Globe; Mrs. Free Carleton, Mound; Mabel Portz, Fairview.


Withee – Viola Wesloski, principal, Frances Wrzosek, primary, Pineland State Graded; Yetive Baum, principal, Helent Gerhardt, primary, Sterling State Graded; Stanley Swierkowski, Sunny Lawn; Harry Meske, Pozen; Stanley Zielanis, Blueberry; Hazel Castner, principal, Mrs. Joe Kuleviec, primary, Yaeger.


Worden – George Soderberg, South Worden; Elizabeth Connor, Busy Bee; Ethel Reineke, Garfield; Olive Garland, Pioneer; Mary Henke, Breezy Hill; Christine Millus, Riverview; Tora Johnson, Jackson.


York – Eva Gretzner, Lincoln; Virginia Gallagher, Oriole Hill; Esther Braatz, Merry Vale; Anna, Scherer, principal, Romadka State Graded; Corabelle Oberholtzer, Forman; Hilda Garbisch, Happy Hollow; Ramona Newman, Pleasant View.


The following is a list of the teachers in the village and city schools of Clark County as released by the county  superintendent:


Abbotsford High School – Paul W. Bird, principal; Irene Higgins, Lenore Garrison, Forest McDonald, Irene Hart, Josephine Porath, Verna Snoeyembos, Mabel Dodge, Verona Klauck, Agnes Hanson, Mrs. Ross Merriman.


Granton High School –  Elton H. Boettcher, pincipal; Myrtle Brooks, Meric Overman; Jack Fleming, Verona Peterson, Ruth Bartz, Ora Davis, Marian Coffin.


Colby High School – Harry Bender, principal; Roscoe Starkey, Earl Starkey, Winona McNeight, Leonora E. Madsen, Irma Lueloff, Louise Hansen.


Dorchester High School – Harvey L. Hougen, principal; Mrs. H. L. Hougen, Lois Paulson.


Loyal High School – J. R. Thomas, principal; Jeanette Welsh, Hilda Hartman, Theodore Miland, William G. Graunke, Warner Berry, Hilda Gruhlke, Alice Robey, Magdalene Pink.


Thorp High School – Newell E. Qualle, principal; Agnes Butler, Mardella Williams, Onetah Ottow, L. O. Anderson, Juanita Slauson, Margaret Thompson, Lucille Zimmerman, Margaret Carlson, Irma Mertens.


Neillsville High School – Donald E. Peters, superintendent; Hazel Baker, John W. Perkins, Mabel Welch, Wendell Claflin, Richard A. Becker; Nelle Mae Stoiber, Mary Helen Dresen, Marie E. Thomas, Marian Williams, Mildred Freile, Helen Spencer, Horace Wiley, Ardith Hansen, Ruth Hale, Eunice Johnson, Bernadine Taylor, Edith M. Fink, Eva Woodbury, Daphne Beeckler, Anna Standke, Bertha V. Ahola.


Source: Marshfield News Herald (Marshfield, Wood Co., Wis.) Tuesday, Sept 10, 1929