The City of Neillsville


The County Seat of Clark County



German Lutheran Church, Neillsville.

Congregational Church, Neillsville.

Methodist Church, Neillsville.


The Armory, Neillsville.


There is a large armory for the use of the company of militia, which is also used for at theatre and hall for dances. This is owned by a local stock company.


The city owns and operates the water works, procuring its supply from Black River, and there is an adequate system of sewerage, and the electric light and power Is furnished to the city and private consumers by a subsidiary to a large company, the energy being derived from water power a score or more miles distant.


The present city officers are: Mayor, Fred Self; city clerk. Levy Williamson; city attorney, Homer C. Clark; Marshall, Alfred Hauge; city treasurer, William Huntley Jr.; aldermen, Robert Kurth, Win. Goeden, H. E. Bartell. Peter Warlum, E. A. Holcomb, Geo. Trogner; poor commissioner, Peter Johnson; health officer, Dr. H. L, Bradbury, school commissioners, George H. Crothers, Mrs. J. W. Hommel and C. R. Sturdevant. Postmaster, Wm. Huntley.


There are chapters of the Masonic order, Odd Fellows, Woodmen, Beavers, Moose, and kindred organizations, and numerous social, civic and benevolent associations. A good city band of 30 pieces is supported by the citizens.


Neillsville has recently attracted considerable attention throughout the country because of the starting of a so-called community movement, a community secretary being employed

to promote the general welfare of Neillsville and the surrounding country. Organizations of the business men, farmers, women and others are subsidiary to the central organization and efforts made to stimulate the development of the community along industrial, educational, agricultural and recreational lines.

