Infant Peat

January 1891 - March 29, 1891

The April 9, 1891 issue of the Republican and Press indicated that the infant son of Henry Peat died suddenly on Sunday, March 29, 1891 after about a 2 month struggle with life after his mother, Elisa (nee Bailey) Peat died on January 28, 1891.  It is presumed that the infant son was buried in York Center Cemetery near his mother.

Other persons buried at York Center Cemetery who are related to this young boy include:  Elisa Peat, his mother; Noel Rogers, brother-in-law to his uncle, Edward Bailey; Maria Davidson, mother-in-law to his aunts, Marcella (nee Bailey) Davidson and Flora (nee Bailey) Davidson; Emma Davidson, sister-in-law to his aunts, Marcella (nee Bailey) Davidson and Flora (nee Bailey) Davidson; Jane (nee Windsor) Palmer and Viola (nee Whitcomb) Palmer, sisters-in-law to his aunt, Jennie (nee Bailey) Palmer, John Palmer, brother-in-law to his aunt, Jennie (nee Bailey) Palmer; Perry Palmer, nephew to his aunt, Jennie (nee Bailey) Palmer; and Lelia Palmer, niece to his aunt, Jennie (nee Bailey) Palmer.
