Jerry Davis

June 9, 1854 - December 4, 1919

wpeD.gif (7105 bytes)Jeremiah (aka Jerry) Davis was a son of Edward and Susanna Davis, who emigrated from Wales to Pennsylvania sometime in the late 1830s or early 1840s and later relocated to Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin.  Jerry Davis came to York Township from Fond du Lac County (Rosendale Township) in the late 1890s with his wife, the former Mary Jones, and their children.  They lived on a farm that was previously owned by Adonijah Benedict, an early pioneer of York Township.  One of Adonijah’s grandsons, William Benedict, married one of the Davis’ daughters, Susanna.  Jerry Davis was the father of Belle Mortimer, Jay Davis, Susanna Benedict and Pearl Hales; all of whom are interred in York Center Cemetery.[cemeteries/footer_gif.html]