News: Granton Locals (23 Nov 1917)


Surnames: Garbisch, Paulson, Winn, Hefty, Krause, Croell, Bonner, Downer, Neinas, Tompkins, Viergutz, Schroeder, Brooks, Handt, Yankee, Mooney, Wischuelke, Garbush, Breseman, Beyer, Reiff, Bollom, Palmer, Stokes, Furgeson, Johnson, Davis, Wilke, Wegner, Tullis, Clark Spry, Gibson, Zorn, Rose, Beecher, Kintzele, Lee, Pietenpol, Schoengarth, Poath, Hemp, Jahr, Beeckler, Moldenhauer, Eberhardt, Grasser, Converse, Sherrett, Dyer, Chapman, Coburn, Zielsdorf, Oens, Lapp, Sternitzky, Bauman, Knorr, Turner, Kemmeter, Wiesner, Ehrhardt, Schlinsog, Wonser, Eide, Wright, Crandall, Blake, Riedel, Hagen, Hogenson, Gotter, Nemitz, Kalsow, Pierrelee, Anding, Pischer, Dahl, Lowery, Wilson, Waterman, Zwick, Trimberger, Fravert, Cole, Strey, Beilke, Hubing, Beaver, Hendrick, Dodte, Brown, Luster, Malagoli, Case, Osgood, Bartz, Helm, Mahn, Ide, Dixon, Braatz, Kurzrok, Gavin, Royce, Wentworth, Roder, Roehl, Schuelke, Jordan, Herr, Amidon, Ostrander, Worchel, Hart, Chapel, Riedel, Devos, Griffin, Campbell, Kegler, Pieper, Nickel, Larson, Schuler, Bloche, Warleben, Struble, Cattanach, Rausch, Daniels, Ure, Delano, Scholtz, Woodward, Berg, Neitzel

----Source: Granton News (Granton, Clark County, Wis.) 11/23/1917

Emil Garbisch is very ill with pneumonia since Sunday.

Ross Paulson went to Chicago Saturday night on business.

Miss ruby Winn came home from Edgar Saturday evening.

The Misses Mary Hefty and Lydia Krause were at Neillsville on Friday.

Mrs. W. Croell of Chili visited town friends on Monday.

Henry Bonner of Eau Claire is visiting at Neil Downer's since Monday.

Chas. Neinas went to Wausau Saturday.

J.M. Tompkins came home from Draper last Friday.

Ross Paulson came home from Chicago on Wednesday.

Miss Rose Viergutz came home from Rochester, Minn. on Wednesday.

Norman Schroeder bought Paul Handt's Ford roadster last week.

Chas. Brooks was at Marshfield on business Tuesday.

Arthur Yankee went to Marshfield on business on Friday.

John Mooney was a county seat visitor on Tuesday.

Ed Wischuelke and Otto Garbush were Neillsville visitors on Wednesday.

Mrs. Jake Breseman of Marshfield visited friends here on Wednesday.

Miss Louise Krause was a Marshfield visitor on Tuesday.

Wm. Beyer spent Tuesday here with Rev. Reiff and went to Neillsville that evening.

Mrs. J. Reiff and son Gerhardt are visiting relatives at Wausau since Tuesday.

Chas. Bollom is on a hunting trip and visit with a brother at Sheldon since Sunday.

Dan Palmer of Route 4, with George Stokes of Waterloo were county seat visitors on Tuesday.

Fred Furgeson and Miss Mabel Johnson of Route 4 visited Neillsville friends on Tuesday.

Mrs. Edw. Schroeder entertained The Circle and a few invited friends at supper on Wednesday.

Mrs. hale Davis and son Robert went to Minneapolis on a pleasure trip and visit to relatives last Saturday.

Mrs. Chas. Wilke and sister Miss Eva Wegner spent Tuesday afternoon with friends at Marshfield.

Wm. Tullis and Martin Clark of Route 4 spent Saturday with friends at Marshfield.

Geo. Stokes of Waterloo is here since Saturday visiting the Dan Palmer family.

Miss Esther Spry went to Chili Saturday to spend a week with Mrs. Tom Gibson.

Mrs. Frank Zorn and Mrs. W.D. Rose spent Monday with friends at Marshfield.

Lulu Beecher was home from Neillsville ans spent Sunday with her parents.

Miss Mildred Kintzele of Neillsville visited the Price Lee and H.J. Pietenpol families on Sunday.

Mrs. Homer Downer and Mrs. Herman Schoengarth were Neillsville visitors on Monday.

Alfred Porath of Route 4 arrived home from Delevan Monday morning.

Mrs. Fred Hemp of Neillsville spent last week Thursday here with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Jahr.

E.A. Beecker spent Thursday eveing of last week seeing "The Slacker" in movies at Neillsville.

Wm. Wischuelke went to Spirit Falls Monday on a visit to the Walter Moldenhauer family.

Oscar Eberhardt of Route 1 spent Monday with old friends at Marshfield.

Mrs. Mike Grasser spent Monday with her daughter, Miss Mary at the Marshfield hsopital.

Mrs. Frank Converse and Mrs. Al Jahr went to Neillsville on a visit to relatives Saturday evening.

Frances Sherrett of Rout 4 is ill and his aunt Miss Ann Dyer, a professional nurse, is here helping to care for him since last Saturday.

L.E. Chapman of Oshkosh is here on a visit to Miss Nettie Coburn of Route 2 since Saturday.

A.F. Zielsdorf of Spokeville was a county seat visitor on Friday. He sold one of his horse last week.

Mrs. Jane Oens and granddaughter Lillie Lapp came over from Chili Saturday evening for a weekend viist at Albert Sternizky's.

Miss Clara Wilke went home to Neillsville Friday evening and made an over Sunday visit.

Miss Cassilda Bauman of Marshfield is visiting her cousin Miss Lydia Neinas since Monday evening.

Mrs. A.J. Knorr entertained a large company of lady friends at a knitting party last Friday afternoon.

Lyman Turner of Loyal took Tuesday evening's train here for Madison and other state points on a Brown Swiss cattle purchasing trip.

P.J. Kemmeter came home from Milwaukee Wednesday. Mrs. Kemmeter though, is not expected home until next week.

Miss Ottilie Wiesner is home from the Wood County Hospital, where she is doing ward work, since Monday, on a 2 week vacation visit among home folk.

Henry Ehrhardt was a Neillsville visitor on Friday.

Aug. Schlinsog Jr. visited at Ernest Neinas' in Chili on Friday.

E.R. Wonser made a business trip to Marshfield on Wednesday.

Harry Eide of Chili was here on business on Wednesday.

Vernon Wright returned from a visit to his brother Roy at Ladysmith last week Thursday.

Crandall's Orchestra will give a dance here Thanksgiving night after you have seen Peggy. Everybody is invited.

Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Blake, after a summer's stay here on the F.J. Riedel farm, went home to Chicago Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hagen, Webb Winn, Adolph Hogenson and August Gotter were county seat visitors on Wednesday.

Miss Ruby Winn and Miss Myrtle Knorr autoed to Neillsville Thursday evening last week and attended the R.N.A. convention.

Emil Garbisch is very ill with pneumonia since last Friday. A professional nuse is here caring for him since Tuesday.

Mrs. Henry Nemitz and Mrs. Edward Kalsow of Globe came over Tuesday for a several days visit at Herman Riedel's.

Mrs. Jerry Davis, after a two week visit at her son Merton Davis' and other relatives in York, went home to Marshfield on Tuesday.

Frank Downer went to Mellen Tuesday on a visit to Eugene Pierrelee and family, and to spend some time hunting there.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anding and son Verland, after a visit at Phillip Breseman's, went home to Altoona Saturday evening.

Mrs. Amelia Pischer came over from Neillsville Monday and spent the day with her son Oswald and his family.

Mrs. Will Dahl and her three children are here from Stetsonville visiting relatives in the Charles Lowery and Will Lowery families since Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Wilson, after a several weeks visit with their son George in the town of Grant, went home to Plymouth on Saturday.

Little Helene Waterman of Chili spent several days of this week here with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Beeckler.

Roy Potter, Harrison Krueger and the Misses Crowns and Race autoed up from Grand Rapids Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Byrl Winn.

Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Knorr, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jahr and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zwick autoed to Loyal and attended teh funeral of the late Mrs. Fred Garvin there on Monday.

Mrs. John Trimberger and children autoed to Greenwood Sunday with friends and visited relatives in the Henry Fravert family.

Harry Cole is reported to have been very ill and in the U.S. Army Hospital at Waco, Texas early this month, although last reports are that he is out and quite okay again, since.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strey, with their six children and accompanied by Miss Tena Beilke, went to Alma Center on a couple days visit to relatives.

Miss Lorena Hubing of Loyal came down last Saturday for a visit with her cousins, Anita, Leona and Rosetta Beaver, and remained until Thursday.

Wm. Hendrick of Richland Center came up late last week and is visiting his friend Leo Dodte on the Peter Brown farm, the old Charles Schuelke place on Route 3.

Ms. Luster and her oldest boy, after a visit at A. Malagoli's on Route 4, left for Chicago Friday, where they were to join Mrs. Luster and go south.

Rev. Case of the town of York came home Monday from Maple Grove, whither he had been in attaendance at a district quarterly conference.

Eugene Osgood, Alfred and Fred Bartz, Orren Montgomery and Ferd Helm went to Ladysmith Monday on a hunting trip.

Mrs. Hannah Mahn spent Sunday at her home in Neillsville and returned to Mrs. Abbie Ide's Monday morning.

The Mesdames Albert, Frank and Kearney Davis, Rella Osgood, Ernest Dixon, Edw. Schroeder and Chas. Neinas attended the R.N.A. convention at Neillsville Thursday evening last week.

Mrs. Henry Braatz and son Leonard are home from their visit at Burlington since late last week. They report her sister Miss Flora Kurzrok unable to get about the house without the assistance of a crutch of a wheelchair.

Mrs. A. Garvin of Baker, Mont. enroute to Loyal in response to news of the death of Mrs. Fred Garvin, arrived here Tuesday morning, the day after the funeral. Livery man Geo. Rose autoed over to Loyal with her Tuesday morning.

E.E. Royce and family, accompanied by two of their lady friends, autoed over from Marshfield and spent Sunday with the E.R. Wonser family.

Rush Wentworth went to Hixton Thursday.

A fair and carnvial will be held at the Roder schoolhouse Wednesday, Nov. 28th. The doors will open at 7:30.

Mrs. Carl Roehl went to Neillsville Thursday to see her son Will, who was so seriously injured in an auto accident on Tuesday.

Mrs. W.S. Davis, who was to have entertained the R.N.A. Wednesday evening, was suddenly taken ill that day, and Mrs. Edward Schroder entertained the society in her stead.

Wm. Hendrick of Richland Center came up late last week and is visiting his friend Leo Dodte on the Peter Brown farm, the Charles Schuelke place on R. 3.

A public meeting will be held at Loyal Jordan's next Monday night by Rev. Herr of Brooklyn, N.Y. Subject - "The War, Then What?".

Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Amidon were called to Melrose Wednesday to attend the funeral of his maternal aunt, Mrs. John Ostrander,w ho died at her home there early this week.

Arthur and Earl Garvin of Montana, called here by the death of Mrs. Fred Garvin of Loyal, are visiting relatives and old friends in this vicinity since early this week.

Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Kemmeter left for Menasha and Milwaukee on a combination business and pleasure trip last Friday.

Mrs. Henry Lawson and son earl went to Auburndale Friday for a couple days visit at Henry Grassman's.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Worchel of Route 5 spent Friday afternoon with friends at Marshfield. They left baby Marvin, now a 12 pound boy, at home with his maternal aunt.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hart of Humbird, by auto visited at Chas. Chapel's in Marshfield, friends at Edgar, and the Fred Hart family here between Friday and Monday. Mrs. Hart too, attended the R.N.A. convention at Neillsville last week Thursday.

Miss Lena Riedel entertained 10 of her lady friends at a knitting party Monday evening. The weather and roads were both good, and a very pleasant auto trip and social party was enjoyed.

Attorney and Mrs. A.L. Devos autoed over from Neillsville Sunday and were joined here by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dixon and baby Donald and continued on to Greenwood where they spent the day with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Breseman went home to Greenwood Saturday. Her father Mr. August Pieper of Loyal was also a guest of the Phillip Breseman family on Route 3 last week and departed on the home trip, Saturday.

Mrs. Beauford Griffin, her little daughter Maxine and Miss Anna Larson went to Merrillan Friday evening and met Mrs. James R. Campbell, the former's mother from Viola, who was enroute here on a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kegler and daughter Miss Olga Kegler came from Arpin Saturday and made an over Sunday visit with the Louis Nickel family, and left for Fenwood, on another visiting trip on Monday.

Herman Schuler, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bloche and their baby Agatha of Pine Valley, went to Fond du Lac last week Thursday and visited relatives in the Wm. Warleben family there, until Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Struble and daughter Helen of route 3 left for their old home in Iowa late last week. Their son Delber has rented the farm for next year and with his wife and her little daughter took possession last week.

Mrs. John Cattanach and daughter Joyce of Nasonville were guests in the D.S. Rausch home over Sunday and continued on to Neillsville the next day.

Little Marcia Christine Daniels, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daniels of Route 3, is very ill since last week Wednesday. Mrs. Daniels, the mother, who was a hospital patient but a shor time since, is, although much improved in health, far from strong.

Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Knorr, Mrs. W.D. Rose, Mrs. Frank Zorn, Mrs. W.S. Davis and Mrs. Webb Winn, all of this village, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ure of Neillsville, at dinner last week Thursday, and the ladies of the party attended the R.N.A. convention there that evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Silas Delano came over from Humbird last Friday on a visit to their daughters Mrs. Fred Hart and Mrs. Chas. Bollom. Mr. Delano went home by auto with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hart Sunday, while Mrs. Delano remained for a more extended visit.

Louis Schultz of Route 4 went to Rockford, Ill. Friday ona visit to his brother Ralph, the latter a member of Co. A. 341st Inf. There. Ralph's wife, who joined him there two weeks ago, has found employment in the city and will stay there as long as her husband remains in Camp Grant. Louis returned early this week.

Mrs. Frances Woodward of Neillsville was the guest of town friends Monday, who were autoing about soliciting for the Y.M.C.A. Army fund, and while the others of the party solicited funds, Mrs. Woodward finished knitting her ninth Red Cross sweater and set up her tenth one. She sure is doing her bit.

Mrs. Will Dahla nd children, who are down from Stetsonville on a visit, went to Neillsville Monday and spent a day with the Ray Campbell family.

Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Pietenpol and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berg celebrated their respective 31st and 1st wedding anniversaries, and with Mrs. Neil Kidd and Mrs. Floyd Pietenpol's birthday anniversaries coming the same time, they decided to have a quadruple celebration. Mrs. Susan Neitzel, mother of Mrs. Floyd Pietenpol, and Miss Mildred Kintzele, a nice of Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Pietnepol, were the only guests outside of the immediate families of those celebrating. A bounteous 2 o'clock dinner was had and the usual round of toasts and congratulations followed. The afternoon was spent in music, social games, visiting and the eating of candy and nuts, and altogether, along to be remembered, happy day was spent.



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