News: Granton Locals (16 Mar 1917)



Surnames: Martin, Crandall, Mahn, Ide, Hewett, Kurth, Winter, Shafer, Ross, Gotter, Dopp, Coil, Dahlke, Felser, Ferrell, Mundt, Krause, Storm, Knickle, Grassman, Prange, Rueth, Fraser, Rausch, Neinas, Kemmeter, Viergutz, Strey, Lawson, Williams, Babcock, Schroeder, Nisson, Winn, Mann, Rose, Lavey, Cole, Davis, Ayers, Beaulieu, Lee, Becker, Vogili, Scholtz, Montgomery, Hickox, Hopkinson, Grave, Cranston, Free, Brooks, Hasz, Schmoll, Marg, Waterman, Wischulke, Hart, Wentworth, Knorr, Dorst, Pietenpol, Marsh, Ure, Roder, Dows, Lee, Budge, Breseman, Witt, Bollom, Garbush, Furgeson, Pitts, Lustig, Kihn, Cole, Moh, Baer, Lawson, Van Ryn, Sternitzky, Walker, Rondorf, Kurth, Herrian, Grasser, Boushon, , Neinas, Gehrke, Scherer, Selk, Vine, Breese, St. Clair, Bass, Jordan, Thomas, Strey, Gerzemehle, Williams, Bemis, Paulson, Weishoff, Muckerheide, Snyder, Hefty, Reichert, Riedel, Abbott, Whitmore, Wright, Osgood, Huff,


----Source: Granton News (Granton, Clark County, Wis.) 03/16/1917


Sam Martin went ot Osseo on Monday.


E.W. Crandall visited relatives at Neillsville Tuesday evening.


Mrs. Hannah Mahn of Neillsville is with Miss Abbie Ide since Thursday.


Sheriff Harry Hewett was here on official business Tuesday.


Will Kurth and Henry Winter were at Chili on business on Friday.


Mrs. Will Shafer is home from Whitehall since Monday.


Dr. Ross was at Marshfield on business on Friday.


Richard Gotter of Rozellville was in town last Friday.


Mrs. Fred Dopp was at Chili last Friday.


Mrs. Walter Coil went to Chili Friday.


W.F. Dahlke was a Neillsville visitor Friday.


Paul Felser is home from Tripoli since last week Thursday.


Mrs. Chas. Ferrell of Chili visited friends here Saturday.


Chas. Mundt Sr. and Albert Marg were over from Chili on Saturday.


Dr. P.M. Ross was at Marshfield on a professional call on Sunday.


Mrs. Carl Krause entertained a feather bee on Tuesday.


Miss Frieda Storm is home from Marshfield since Monday.


Elmer Knickle was down from Spencer on Monday.


Mrs. A. Martin visited her children at Chili the first of the week.


Leo Grassman and Dr. H.L. Rose were Neillsville visitors on Monday.


Emil Prange was at Neillsville Monday morning.


Mr. A. Rueth went to Chicago Tuesday with a car of stock.


Geo. Fraser visited relatives at Chili Sunday morning.


Mr. and Mrs. D.S. Rausch went to St. Paul Wednesday.


Henry Neinas resigned his position as clerk in the P.J. Kemmeter store Wednesday morning.


A handsome new painted sign adorns the Beaver Restaurant since last week.


Miss Rose Viergutz, Mrs. Robert Strey, Mrs. H.E. Lawson and Mrs. H.E. Williams went to Neillsville on Monday.


Mrs. Chas. Babcock of Neillsville visited relatives in the Ed Schroeder home late last week.


Miss Irma Nisson of Grand Rapids came Saturday and made an over Sunday visit with her old friend, Mrs. Byrl Winn.


Lewis Mann of Glenbuelah, after a week’s visit with relatives in the Geo. and W.D. Rose families, went home on Monday.


Geo. Williams came from Junction City Monday evening and joined his wife and baby at the Frank Lavey home.


Maynard Cole is about again since his recent severe illness and spent several days of last week with the Hale Davis family.


Mrs. L.L. Ayers of route 3 is visiting relatives in the M.F. Beaulieu family at Neillsville.


The Windfall Birthday Club spent last Saturday with the Mesdames N.E. and Price Lee when a very enjoyable time was reported.


Otto Becker was here on business Friday.


Observe St. Patrick’s Day by "dressing up" and attending the Hard Time Dance at the opera house tomorrow, Saturday night.


John Vogili and Louis Scholtz drove in from Sherwood on route 4 Wednesday reaching here with a very jaded team.  They were obliged to spend the night here and return home the next day.


Edwin Montgomery and Orren Hickox were over from Neillsville on Tuesday getting up stoves and getting the latter’s new house in readiness for occupancy tomorrow.


Mrs. Hopkinson and son Joseph, after a six week visit at Ernest Grabe’s on route 1, went to Hayward Tuesday for a visit among relatives before leaving on the trip home to Montana.


P.M. Cranston of Rochester Minn., after an extended visit with his brother P.E. Cranston and nephew Avery Cranston on route 1, continued on toward home Tuesday.


Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Free of Neillsville spent Sunday with the C.E. brooks family on route 1, and with them spent Monday with the Geo. Brooks family on route 2, returning to Neillsville on Monday evening.


Miss Emma Hasz of Loganville, after an extended visit here at her brother, Rev. M. Hasz’s, left for Milwaukee Saturday where she will visit relatives for a short time before continuing on home.


Norma Schmoll, celebrating her 12th birthday, entertained 17 of her young friends at a very enjoyable party Saturday afternoon.  An excellent 5 o’clock dinner topped of the party program.


Wellie Davis and Geo. Lewis of Chili were here on business Monday.


Ed Waterman of route 4 was in town on business on Monday.


Fred Hart went to Humbird on Tuesday.


Wm. Wischulke was at Neillsville Tuesday.


W.B. Wentworth went home Tuesday.


Mrs. W.D. Rose entertained the Circle on Wednesday.


Miss Myrtle Knorr entertained the young folks club this week.


The Misses Ruth Pietenpol, Nellie and Elsie Dorst were Neillsville visitors Friday.


Miss Nellie Dorst was at Neillsville Tuesday.


John Ure transacted business at the county seat Tuesday.


Ralph Marsh is home on a vacation visit until April 9th.


Paul Roder, Wm. Dows and T.F. Lee were county seat visitors on Monday.


Miss Mary Schune is visiting the W.P. Budge home since early this week.


Mrs. Jake Breseman of Marshfield spent Tuesday here with old friends.


A.C.F. Witt and family of Lynn returned home from Clintonville on Tuesday.


W.B. Wentworth of Edgerton came up Friday to visit his son R.B. Wentworth.


Otto Anding visited his sister, Mrs. Sherman Gress at Neillsville on Monday.


Miss Clara Garbush, after a couple of weeks’ vacation visit at home, returned to Rochester, Minn. on Tuesday.


Sam Furgeson is visiting relatives in Richland and Vernon Counties since Friday.


Arthur Pitts of Tioga came Saturday and visited his sister Mrs. Otto Lustig until Monday, when he left for Milwaukee.


The Misses Birdine Kihn and Myrtle Cole, who teach south and west of Neillsville, were home for a weekend visit.


Mrs. Henry Lawson will entertain the Windfall Birthday Club tomorrow, Saturday, when a St. Patrick’s quilting will be the order of the day.


Mrs. F.J. Baer will entertain the Circle next Tuesday afternoon, March 20th, when all circle members are especially invited to be present.


Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Van Bryn of Sheffield, Ill, after a visit with relatives in the Fred and Henry Sternitzky families, continued on to Marshfield on Friday.


Bert Walker, a cheesemaker from Owen who is engaged to work for A.F.G. Witt at Lynn this summer, was here on business last Friday.


Jos. Rondorf of York went to Stanley Saturday and made an over Sunday visit to relatives residing there.


Mrs. P.J. Kemmeter went to Milwaukee Sunday on a millinery buying trip for the store, and a visit with relatives.


Miss Hilda Kurth of Neillsville, after a week’s visit with her cousins Leala and Ella, went home to Neillsville Friday accompanied by her cousin Miss Elsie Kurth, who returned home yet that afternoon.


John Herrian of Glendive, Mont., who was at Neillsville and in attendance at the beside of his father Jos. Herrian Sr., who died last week, visited his parents-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grasser here Monday before leaving for his home in the west.


A handsome red granite monument weighing something over 4 tons was delivered here this week and conveyed to the German Lutheran Cemetery south of her where it is to be erected in memory of the late Mrs. Minnie Kurth of the Ridge.


H.A. Boushon of Chili was in town last Saturday.  This office received a pleasant call.  We know he believes in "spuds," for he says a small load of them delivered at Chili the other day netted him a little over $100.


Mrs. Chas. Neinas of this village, joined by her sister Mrs. Will Neinas of Chili, went to Marshfield Saturday and spent the day with their husbands’ sister Mrs. Paul Gerke of that city, who is a patient at St. Joseph’s Hospital there since last week Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. Orren I. Hickcox, newlyweds, will move into the W.S. Davis tenant house on the north side, tomorrow.  The groom is a graduate of the state agricultural college, a young man from Spring Green.  The bride, who is a Neillsville girl, is a cousin to our station agent E.W. Crandall, and has many friends here.


Gertie Selk of Chili spent the weekend here with her former schoolmate and little friend Leila Dopp.


Mrs. Fred Vine Sr. went home to Crandon Saturday, accompanied by her son-in-law, Henry Carter.


John Breese went to Chili Monday to visit his old friend John Sweet, who is reported as being very ill.


Mrs. Harry St. Clair of Neillsville spent the weekend at the Chas. Bass home on route 3.


Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Jordan and children came home from Osseo on Monday.


Oscar Thomas, Robert Strey and Henry Winter were county seat visitors Saturday.


Chris Gerzemehle is back from Owatonna, Minn. since last week Thursday.


Miss Fern Williams entertained the Camp Fire Gils last Saturday evening.


Mrs. Clare Marsh and her three children spent Saturday here with Mrs. Mary Marsh and family.


H.F. Lawson shipped another fine calf to Clarence Bemis of Plymouth on Monday.


Ross Paulson left for Cottonwood S.D. Wednesday on the 4 o’clock limited.


Henry Weishoff left for Cottonwood, S.D. Tuesday with a carload of horses for Ross Paulson.


Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F.C. Witt and baby Erma of Lynn went to Clintonville Friday on a visit to relatives.


Mrs. Robert Kurth and Mrs. Geo. Wilding came over from Neillsville Saturday on a visit to relatives in the Fred Handke family.


Mrs. Nick Scherer of Neillsville, returning from a visit with Mrs. Clark Waterman at Chili, stopped off here Saturday and visited Miss Myrtle Knorr until Sunday noon.


Miss Verna Keller spent Sunday with her sister Miss Lorna Keller, who is with the J.H. Muckerheide family at Neillsville.


L.A. Snyder of the town of York went to Green Bay Tuesday with his little sister Amanda Snyder of Algoma, who was going home after a 4 week visit here.


Miss Mabel Bollom of Osseo, accompanied by Mrs. Chas. Bollom and children, went home from here to Humbird Saturday evening.


Mrs. John Hefty Jr. and daughter Louise came over from Chili last week Thursday and visited relatives in the John Hefty Sr. family until Monday.


L.A. Reichert of Chili, with Alvin Reichert, Mrs. Fred Gerber and Mrs. Augusta Riedel of this village, were Neillsville visitors on Tuesday.


Dr. Abbott, a veterinarian surgeon, was over from Marshfield testing horses for Ross Paulson several days the first of the week.  Ross is shipping horses to Dakota.


Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis went to Chili Sunday and made a couple of days visit among friends, particularly Chester and Abel Harding Jr., who left for Underwood, N.D. a few days since.


C. Whitmore of Capron, Ill. bought one of the old Paul farms in the town of Lynn and moved up this week.  For the present he is living in the old Carl Krause house near the Herman Krause place on route 3.


Vernon Wright came up from Camp Douglas Tuesday and, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Rella Osgood and son Francis Wright went to Ladysmith Tuesday night for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright.  Vernon expects to leave for Cadillac, Canada, yet this week, where he will spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Will Huff.


Messrs. Edward and Emil Prange were called to Sheboygan Falls Monday night by the death on Sunday of their father Wm. Prange, a well-known retired farmer of that place.  Deceased was a man of 81 years and had been in failing health for the last ten years.  He suffered a stroke of paralysis last Friday which terminated fatally on Sunday.  Deceased is survived by his wife and eleven children.




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