News: Granton Locals (20 Jan 1911)


Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon



Surnames: Wage, Campbell, Knorr, Chapel, Hart, Rath, Witte, Davis, Baer, Billings, Winn, Stockwell, Heyder, Huntley, Riedel, Doughty, Welsh, Schmoll, Wenzel, Lee, Duffy, Bryden, Spry, Amidon, Lowery, Snyder, Martin, Prange, Ross, Rogers, Tompkins, Bealer, Neinas, Kurth, Hankey, Soles, Hahn, Converse, Lapp, Garfield, Finnegan, Huckstead, Slocomb, Van Fleet, Felzer, Osgood, Breed, Page, Woodward, Zorn, Pischer, Brumer, Crevecour, Kemmeter, Storm, Schroeder, Jensen, Wonser, Reller, Schlinsog, Teatz, Mayhew, Fradette, Paulson, Beardsley, Raymond, Daughhetee, Eide, Jahr, Sanger, Bladl, Connor, Ketel


----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) January 20, 1911


Granton Locals (20 January 1911)


T. D. Wage was at Marshfield on business one day late last week.


The Geo. Campbell and A. J. Knorr residences can be rung up by telephone now.


Mr. and Mrs. Chas Chapel of Marshfield spend Sunday at Geo. Hart’s.


Mrs. Fred Rath came up from Cataract Monday to visit her son.


Coffee Compound and Malt coffee by the pound at Witte’s


Mr. I. W. Morris and son Wakeley went to Stratford Tuesday.


Mrs. W. S. Davis returned home on Saturday from a two weeks visit at the Twin Cities.


The Mesdames W. S. Davis and F. J. Baer spent Tuesday night with friends at Neillsville.


Edwin Billings was an over Sunday guest at Webb Winn’s.


Miss Ethel Stockwell spent most of last week here with her sister.


Miss Velda Heyder and Stillman Huntley visited at Mrs. August Riedel’s Sunday.


Mrs. Oscar Doughty has been ill and confined to her bed since last Saturday.


Mrs. Mabel Welsh is looking after the comforts of the Geo. Hart home, since Monday.


Mrs. August Schmoll and Mrs. Geo. Hart were Neillsville visitors last Friday.


John Wenzel of Withee came down Friday and made an over Sunday visit to his sister, Mrs. Ernest Lee.


Homer Davis who bought the old school house is tearing it down and moving it to his farm where he will reconstruct it into another building.


John Duffy still continues to be very ill.


Jack Bryden of Greenwood called on town friends Saturday.


A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Spry near Spokeville, last week.


Mrs. G. E. Amidon transacted business at Merrillan between trains Tuesday.


Thomas Lowery who lives in the Town of Washburn is sick with bowel trouble since last week.


Get your buttons made for your dress at Witte’s


Clothier August F. Snyder spent Monday afternoon here, on business.


Capt. A. C. Martin was over from Neillsville between trains on Tuesday.


The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Prange is on the sick list.


Dr. Ross removed a mastoid abscess from the neck of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers’ little baby daughter, last Tuesday.


Robert Tompkins spent Tuesday here under the parental roof and left for Minneapolis that evening.


Miss Bertha Bealer of Chili visited at Chas Neinas’ last week and attended Thursday night’s dance.


Mrs. Minnie Kurth after a two weeks visit with her daughter Mrs. Fred Hankey returned home to Kurth Monday evening.


Mrs. Ed. Soles went to Spencer on Saturday and returned on Monday. She reports the doctor to be attending his patients as usual, since Sunday.


Miss Martha Hahn of Humbird came over Saturday and remained until Monday visiting at Arthur Heyder’s home.  Miss Clara Heyder accompanied her as far as Neillsville, on Monday.


For Sale - Driving horse, 5 years old, weighs about 900; price is $100; inquire of Hugh Converse, Granton R. 1.


Fresh carload of salt at Witte’s


Mrs. Ara Lee spent Wednesday at Chili.


The Royal Neighbors of the local camp will entertain the York Center Royal Neighbors at dinner Saturday at the A. J. Knorr home.


Mrs. Wm. Lapp and Mrs. Wm. Garfield of Neillsville were guests of Mrs. James Finnegan, Wednesday.


Mr. and Mrs. Bert Huckstead are the proud parents of a 9 pound baby girl since Monday.  Mother and baby are both well.


Mrs. Otis Slocomb and baby Ruth arrived home all O. K. last Saturday from several weeks visit to relatives at Buffalo, NY.


Mr. and Mrs. Van Fleet after a several days visit to their daughter, Mrs. Joe Felzer left for Viroqua, Monday evening.


Myron Osgood who suffered the loss of an eye some weeks ago has since Sunday re-assumed the control of his farm duties.


Nice new line of paper napkins and shelf papers at Amidon’s Drug Store


Mrs. Gusta Breed and her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Page spent last Friday and part of Saturday with Mrs. Frances Woodward at Neillsville.


Mrs. John Davis of Chili was in town between trains on Monday to consult Dr. Ross in regard to her son who was ill with tonsillitis.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zorn of Berlin came up last week Thursday and remained until Monday visiting at Wm. Zorn’s.


Henry and Herbert Pischer, Eddie, Louis and Frank Brumer gave a party to a number of their young friends at the Gottlieb Pischer home last Sunday evening.  The time was pleasantly whiled away with dancing and other amusements.


Ernst Crevecour the well known carpenter and contractor has his workshop now in the Philmore Kemmeter building next to Wm. Storm’s saloon. 


Mrs. Ed Schroeder was ill the grippe early this week and the children took the opportunity offered and had the group; even Charles indulged.


The dance given by the Real Orchestra of Minneapolis at the opera house last Thursday evening was a very enjoying affair.  The music was probably the best ever heard here at a dance.  The orchestra will be here again next month Feb. 21st.


Kemmeter’s mill started sawing heading last week.  The run this will probably be a short one, as only about 1,000 cords of bolts have been contacted for.


The Lynn Telephone Company will hold its annual meeting at the Beaver Hall here next Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock.  All stockholders are requested to be present.


Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jensen, E. R. Wonser, Mrs. Herman Reller, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Osgood were among those who transacted business at Neillsville Tuesday.


E. R. Wonser while on business in Milwaukee last week purchased a handsome Shetland pony and cart for his daughter Mermal’s pleasure.


Dr. F. A. Soles formerly of this place but now of Spencer suffered an infection of the glands of his neck and underwent a surgical operation at the Marshfield hospital last week Thursday for relief from the same.


Albert and Margaretha Schlinsog returned late last week from a three weeks visit with relatives in Oklahoma. They enjoyed the trip very much, but the sudden change from warm to cold climate on their return home seems to have affected their constitutions somewhat.


Robert Teatz and family are now occupying the Davis Farm house recently vacated by Mrs. Amelia Davis and Mr. Mayhew’s family from Plymouth have taken possession of the farm home just purchased of Robert Teatz.


Wood wanted at this office.


The class party will take place at the Granton opera house next week Saturday; see more particulars in next weeks’ issue.


Those who have not received one of the telephone directories should notify this office.


Mr. and Mrs. James Tompkins and Mrs. Fradette all of Christie drove down to Ross Paulson’s Wed. and remained until after the funeral, next day.


The Mesdames G. L. Beardsley and O. S. Raymond of Neillsville attended the funeral of little Vila Paulson Thursday afternoon.


Did you say your conscience bothered you and you couldn’t sleep nights?  It’s because you haven’t paid your subscription.  Better pay up at once.


Those wishing Valentines will find a large assortment at Amidon’s Drug Store


Cleo Daughhetee returned last Saturday from Richland Center where she has been taking china painting lessons.  She was accompanied home by a friend.


Granton Camp No. 1899, M. W. A. had installation of officers Wednesday night. After the ceremonies an oyster supper which was prepared by the Royal neighbors was indulged in and the balance of the evening was spent in dancing.


If you are in the market for hay, read Harry Eide’s ad on this page. This enterprising creamery man has done a great deal towards solving the feed problem hereabouts this winter by shipping in dozens of carloads of hay and selling same at cost to the farmers.


If you want to know how cold it is some of these mornings get one of those 25c thermometers at Amidon’s Drug Store.


It is our desire to publish all items of interest which happen within a reasonable distance of Granton.  But in spite of our watchful eyes some items are bound to escape our notice. So it happened that on December 23rd, the Stork paid a visit to the Frank Jahr home north of here and presented them with a bouncing baby boy.


Chas. Sanger of Rockham, S. D., who is here with his son Ernest visiting relatives in this vicinity, went to Rochester, Minn., last Friday to consult Doctors Mayo in regard the boy’s condition. The latter is a lad of 19 years and until about two months ago enjoyed good health, since which time he has been affected with a sickness which seems to baffle the doctors.  The boy is at times a blank, being unable to talk and is almost helpless.  We sincerely hope that Mr. Sanger is finding encouragement at Rochester.


Notice - Beginning Monday, January 23 the lumber yard at Granton will be closed for business during the winter, except Wednesday and Saturdays of each week. In case of necessity orders will be filled by calling at John Bladl’s harness shop.  Conner Retail Lumber Company


Farm for Sale - 60 acre farm, 35 acres under cultivation, 15 acres sugar bush and 10 acres pasture; good buildings; 1 ½ miles from Granton; see Christine Ketel



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