News: Curtiss, Wis. (May 27, 1931)

Contact: R. Lipprandt

Surnames: Anderson, Bannach, Bushey, Carlson, Dowdy, Green, Hansen, Hennlich, Herrick, Johnson, Kind, Klemetson, Kobs, Kraut, Krueger, Machlett, Matthias, Millard, Morgan, Neitsch, Ravy, Richter, Schumacher, Schwandt, Smith, Teach, Williams, Zasoba

----Source: The Curtiss Advance, (Curtiss, Clark Co., WI) Wednesday, May 27, 1931


The stores in Curtiss will be closed at noon Saturday in observance of Memorial Day, so don’t forget to do your shopping before dinner.


Mrs. F. Richter called on Mrs. Amelia Neitsch Saturday.

Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson left Tuesday morning for La Crosse.

Miss Smith, county school supervisor of Neillsville, visited out school last Wednesday.

R. Morgan and Will Williams were fishing Monday and returned with a fine catch of fish.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morgan of Unity, were Sunday callers at the R. H. Morgan home.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Schwandt spent Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. J. Klemetson.

Mrs. F. F. Machlett and Mrs. F. H. Matthias drove to Marshfield Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs. John Zasoba and children of Withee, visited Sunday afternoon at the John Zasoba Sr., home.

Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Green and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen at Fifield.

Mr. and Mrs. Hennlich and family moved Saturday into the Schumacher house now owned by Mr. Teach.

Mr. and Mrs. Millard and son Bruce were Marshfield callers Wednesday evening.

Mrs. L. Neitzel and daughter Jean of Abbotsford, we Sunday callers at the B. B. Green home.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Ravy and family of Unity, were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Herrick.

Mrs. Wm. Hennlich and Mrs. Kraut returned Friday from a weeks visit at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. On the way home they visited at Sheboygan and Kohler.

Mrs. Carlson of Stevens Point, called at the home of Mrs. H. Machlett Wednesday evening. Mrs. Carlson was formerly Miss Bushey, a teacher in our school.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kind and children of Greenwood visited Sunday at the Jake Johnson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dowdy and Mrs. Augusta Kobs and children drive to Owen Sunday to visit Mrs. Fred Krueger at the hospital where she recently underwent an operation for gall stones and appendicitis.

Lost, a green Schaefer fountain pen between the school house and the Mrs. H. Machlett home. Finder please return to Miss Amelia Bannach or leave with Mrs. Machlett.


Business News

Paris Green, 28c lb. in 14 lb kits. Gamble’s fast drying enamels for cupboards, furniture, etc., Half pint, 25c. House Paint $1.85 per gal. 5 gal. can. 4 in. brushes 85c. Marshfield, Wis.

We want to hear from local man now employed interested in op0erating side line business in spare time: outdoor advertising: no selling. Write at once for details. Advertising Manager, 515 W. Goodale, Columbus, Ohio.

New Low Prices

Soon you will be buying hay machinery, make no mistakes - get the biggest value your dollar can buy:

Minnesota Giant 5 ft. mower, $60.00.

Minnesota 6 ft. binder with straight pole, $150.00

Minnesota 10 ft. binder with tongue truck, $165.00.

Minnesota 10 ft. 26 tooth dump rake, $32.00.

Minnesota 10 ft. 26 tooth dump rake, $33.00.

Minnesota side delivery rake and tedder, $80.00.

Minnesota windrow had loader, $85.00.

Minnesota 6 shovel spring trip cultivator, $50.00.

Minnesota 8 shovel spring trip cultivator, $55.00

George P. Hoff, Curtiss, Wisconsin
