News: Greenwood Gleaner-Advertisements (1 Sep 1904)

Contact: Sharon Scott

----Source: The Greenwood Gleaner, BY J. E. NOYES, Thursday, Sept. 1, 1904.


It’s mighty poor economy to neglect your horses and cattle and you can’t afford to be without Cole’s Veterinary Carbolisalve. It is a money saver for it quickly cures cuts, galls and sores without scars. 50c and $1.00 by all druggists.


Dou [sic] you think it pays to let a cough run until it "wears off"? We don’t. We know that in nine cases out of ten that cough will wear you off first, and that a bottle of Cole’s Cough Cure will pay for itself many times in the doctor bills it will save you. Try it. 25 and 50c. Guaranteed by all druggists.


Westward the orb of glory takes its way, Wisconsin is the state you hear everybody say, It’s made itself famous by great strides, Rocky Mountain Tea has made its name world wide. City Drug Store.


September is the month for hunting and camping. Be sure you take a box of Cole’s Carbolisalve with you wherever you go. It is the sure cure for cuts, burns and bruises. You need have no fear of lockjaw or blood poisoning if you use Cole’s Carbolisalve. Get Cole’s, 25 and 50c by all druggists.
