Obit: Hinsch, Daniel S. (1834 - 1908)
Transcrriber: Stan



----Source: Thorp Courier (Thorp, Clark County, Wis.) 07/16/1908

Hinsch, Daniel S. (27 Jan 1834 - 7 Jul 1908)

Daniel Sievert Hinsch died at his home in the town of Reseburg, Clark County, Wis., of kidney disease, on Tuesday, July 7, 1908, after an illness extending over a period of four years. He had suffered greatly for some time past and the end was to him a welcome relief. Mr. Hinsch was born in Germany and at the time of his death was 74 years, 5 months and 11 days of age. In 1882, accompanied by his wife and children, he came to America, and direct to this vicinity, where he has since resided. About six years after his settlement here his wife died, and later he married again, his widow and children, Mrs. (Frances) Henry Schultze of the town of Worden, Mrs. Fred Bonnell of Sumner, Wash., Gus L. Hinsch of Edison, Miss., Miss Dora Hinsch of Chicago and Edward Hinsch of this place surviving him. The funeral took place from his home on Thursday last, Rev. J. B Bachman officiating, interment taking place in the German Cemetery in the town of Worden. He was universally respected as a citizen and friend, and a large concourse of relatives and neighbors followed his remains to the grave.




Bio: Hinsch, Daniel S. (1834-1908)


Transcriber: Stan


Surnames: Barnes, Barrett, Biddle, Briggs, Bullard, Buss, Carpenter, Chapman, Clark, Courter, Darling, Dewy, French, Frese, Gahart, Goff, Gorder, Hansman, Hansman, Hinsch, Karsten, Maxwell, Munzouve, Newhouse, Owens, Pagel, Pettet, Rusch, Satterly, Saxe, Schmidt, Steele, Travinskee, Tuscan, Whiteman, Williams, Wright


----Source: Census Records


Census • Wisconsin State Census, 1895, Pine Valley, Clark, Wisconsin, United States


Name Daniel Hinsch
Birthplace Germany: 1; Scandinavia: 1;
Number of White Females 1
Number of White Males 1
Household Birthplace 1


The Hinsch Families Closest Neighbors in 1895


Name Birthplace Number of White Females Number of White Males Household Birthplace

Jno V Barnes United States: 6; 3 3 6
Aug Munzouve United States: 4; Germany: 2; 3 3 2
Herman Gahart United States: 3; Germany: 3; 3 3 3
C S Whiteman United States: 4; 2 2 4
Milfred Satterly United States: 4; 2 2 4
Rupert Bullard United States: 1; 1 1
David Maxwell United States: 5; 3 2 5
A W Clark United States: 4; 2 2 4
Even Williams United States: 2; 1 1 2
Jno Owens United States: 3; 2 1 3
Sol Barrett United States: 5; 3 2 5
Rinaldo French United States: 3; 1 2 3
Abner Darling United States: 2; 1 1 2
Gustave Schmidt Germany: 1; 1 1
Bernhardt Frese United States: 5; Germany: 2; 3 4 2
Isabelle Wright United States: 4; Great Britain: 1; 3 2 1
Peter Biddle United States: 6; Great Britain: 1; 3 4 1
Wm Buss United States: 7; Germany: 4; 5 6 4
Jno Newhouse United States: 3; Great Britain: 1; 2 2 1
Roda Carpenter United States: 4; 2 2 4
Fritz Hansman United States: 3; 2 1 3
Van Gorder United States: 11; 3 8 11
Jno Hansman United States: 3; 1 2 3
David Karsten Germany: 2; 1 1 2
Jno A Tuscan United States: 2; 1 1 2
Tom Steele United States: 9; Great Britain: 9; Scandinavia: 3; 3 18 9
Daniel Hinsch Germany: 1; Scandinavia: 1; 1 1 1
Richard Biddle United States: 1; Great Britain: 2; 1 2 2
Elias Travinskee United States: 5; Germany: 5; 5 5 5
Aug Rusch United States: 5; Germany: 1; 1 5 1
Henry Goff United States: 3; 3 3
Aug Hansman United States: 3; Germany: 1; 1 3 1
Ira Chapman United States: 6; 3 3 6
Wm Briggs United States: 10; 3 7 10
Geo Courter United States: 4; 1 3 4
Sol Pettet United States: 1; 1 1
Wm Dewy United States: 4; 2 2 4
Aug Pagel United States: 5; Germany: 1; 2 4 1
Carl Saxe United States: 1; Germany: 2; 2 1 2


Record of Final Naturalization Admission--Clark County, Wisconsin 1860-1003


Surnames: Hach, Hagen, Hahn, Hala, Hall, Haneal, Haner, Hanson, Haradurda, Harlow, Harntker, Harris, Hart, Has, Hcrsmann, Heaslett, Hehns, Hellston, Henep, Henhu, Hennings, Hernbre, Hillert, Hills, Hinsch, Hitchel, Hobbs, Hoffman, Hoffmann, Hoidahl, Holz, Hoople, Houston, Hubbell, Hubenthal, Huckstead, Humestead, Huntzicker, Huntzicker, Hyder, Hyslip




Charles Hitchel Naturalization 23 May 1860 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
George Hills Naturalization 4 Sep 1860 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
John Hehns Naturalization 21 May 1861 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Edward Huckstead Naturalization 18 May 1863 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
C.w. Hyslip Naturalization 18 May 1863 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
George Huntzicker Naturalization 4 Mar 1864 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
E.b. Humestead Naturalization 7 Sep 1875 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
James Houston Naturalization 11 Sep 1876 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Mathias Haner Naturalization 14 Sep 1876 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
William Heaslett Naturalization 2 May 1877 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Herman Henep Naturalization 16 Oct 1877 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Wm Harntker Naturalization 29 Oct 1877 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Moses Hall Naturalization 8 Mar 1881 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Wms Hanson Naturalization 13 Sep 1881 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Ole Hanson Naturalization 13 Sep 1881 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
John Hennings Naturalization 3 Mar 1885 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Max Hcrsmann Naturalization 7 Mar 1889 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Paul Hyder Naturalization 6 Jun 1890 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
W.w. Harlow Naturalization 2 Dec 1890 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Julius Hahn Naturalization 5 Dec 1890 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Joseph Has Naturalization 2 Dec 1890 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Henry Huntzicker Naturalization 8 Jun 1891 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
August Henhu Naturalization 5 Nov 1892 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
John Hanson Naturalization 8 Nov 1892 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
John A Hoidahl Naturalization 7 Nov 1892 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Dan S Hinsch Naturalization 7 Nov 1892 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Charles Hart Naturalization 17 Oct 1893 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Chris Hoganson Naturalization 14 Nov 1893 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Hezekiah Hubbell Naturalization 28 Nov 1894 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Benjamn Hubbell Naturalization 17 Apr 1895 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Ferdinand Hach Naturalization 1 May 1896 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Robert Hoffmann Naturalization 20 Nov 1896 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Ncortz Hoffmann Naturalization 11 Dec 1896 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Peter A. Hellston Naturalization 19 Oct 1897 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
William Holz Naturalization 16 Sep 1899 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Gottlieb Hillert Naturalization 18 Apr 1900 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Klemerz Haradurda Naturalization 15 Oct 1900 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
John Peterson Hagen Naturalization 26 Oct 1900 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Isiah Hoople Naturalization 22 Nov 1900 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Mike Hubenthal Naturalization 1 Apr 1902 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Iver Hernbre Naturalization 21 Apr 1902 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Rafael Hernbre Naturalization 21 Apr 1902 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Edward Hernbre Naturalization 21 Apr 1902 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Leofvla Hala Naturalization 28 Jun 1902 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Joseph Harris Naturalization 9 Aug 1902 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Lewis Haneal Naturalization 6 Nov 1902 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
John Hoffman Naturalization 10 Nov 1902 Clark, Wisconsin, United States
John Hobbs Naturalization 24 Dec 1902 Clark, Wisconsin, United States



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